
Modelling A City's Minuscule Changes GCS NewsFlash 16/2017 Researchers at the Technical University of Munich are using satellite imagery and supercomputing to predict city buildings’ risks for structural degradation and damage.

Xiaoxiang Zhu, Sina Montazeri together with coauthors Christoph Gisinger, R.F. Hanssen, and Richard Bamler won the 2017 Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, with their innovative publicaiton "Geodetic SAR Tomography" in IEEE TGRS. The following photo is Sina…

Open doctoral position in Fusion of Social Media Image and Remote Sensing Satellite Data

Dr. Schmitt has been granted the DFG project: Stereogrammetric Fusion of Optical and SAR Data for the Reconstruction of Urban Scenes. Please visit the project page for more details.

Prof. Zhu was recently granted the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant on her project "So2Sat: Big Data for 4D Global Mapping - 1016 Bytes from Social Media to EO Satellites". Please read here for an overview of the ERC grants recieved by TUM this year. The following texts are quoted from…

Our team leader Prof. Zhu and the member Sina Montazeri won the prestigious DLR Wissenschaftspreis (Science prize) 2016, with their innovative research work titled "Geodetic SAR tomography" published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Every year, DLR selects only a few highly…

SiPEO always welcome enthusiastic researchers all over the world. In 2017, up to 20 fellowships will be awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to prospective leaders from non-European transition or developing countries, who are active in any of the following areas: scientific,…

This is the first time that indivdual trees are reconstructed from SAR data. The following video shows the ingenuity of our algorithm where advancded tomographic SAR inversion and robust 3-D modeling have been employed. This research opened a new perspective of using SAR for the monitoring of our…