
Restart of the project LargeDuroPrint

In mid-October 2023, the position in the project LargeDuroPrint was staffed after an interim vacancy. Philipp Seitenglanz wrote his master's thesis at Fraunhofer IGCV in Augsburg and completed his master degree in composite materials in 2023.

In collaboration with the project partner, the University of Bayreuth, material and process development for extrusion-based large-scale thermoset 3D printing using an ultrasonic mixing head is the main goal until the end of 2024. The LCC is primarily involved in the process development. Most recently, on January 25th, an experimental day was successfully performed at the LCC in Garching Forschungszentrum with the University of Bayreuth. 

The chair thanks the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for the funding under the scheme “Förderprogramm Luftfahrt BayLu-25-II”.

More informations about this project: LargeDuroPrint