Dr. rer. Edivando Vitor Do Couto

Technische Universität München
School of Engineering and Design
Department of Aerospace and Geodesy
Lehrstuhl für Bodenordnung und Landentwicklung

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
Raum 0773

Tel.: +49 89 289-25783
Fax: +49 89 289-23933
Email: edivando.couto@tum.de

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto is a dedicated researcher in the fields of geography and nature conservation. He has a Ph.D. in Geography, as well as a master's and bachelor's degree. Dr. do Couto previously taught remote sensing, mapping, geoprocessing, and biodiversity at the University Technology Federal of Parana (UTFPR) in Brazil. He has also worked as a collaborating professor in the master's and doctoral programs in Ecology of Inland Aquatic Environments at the State University of Maringá.

Dr. do Couto is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Land Management at the Technical University of Munich, where he manages the ForestFisher project. His responsibilities include geographic database management, data processing in GIS, Python, and R, the creation of maps and reports, the writing of scientific papers, and other professional, scientific, and technical activities.

Landscape Ecology, Land Use and Occupation, Policy and Protected Areas, Habitat Fragmentation, Degradation of Aquatic Environments, Geoinformatics, Spatial Analysis of Environmental Patterns and Biodiversity, and Ecology and Dynamics of Anthropized Ecosystems are among Dr. do Couto's research interests. He has 45 publications and 4 chapters to his credit, as well as 21 event abstracts, 18 expert advisory and consultation, and 17 event organizations. He has also directed several research and academic projects that have resulted in international collaborations and successful funding.

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