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Congratulations Dr.-Ing. Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze!

On October 9, 2023, Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled ‘From Affordable Housing to Slum: Assessment of the Causes, Effects and Solutions in the City of Enugu, Nigeria’.

Prof. Chigbu, Prof. De Vries, Prof. Zhu, Dr. Duran (Photo Bole)
Prof. Chigbu, Prof. De Vries, Prof. Zhu, Dr. Duran (Photo Bole)

Conceptually, the study posits that the link between affordable housing and slums is affordability, whereby both find significant demand among low-income earners. It argues further that while affordable housing can decay into slums, slums can be rebuilt into decent affordable housing. Underpinned by this conceptual thinking, the study assessed various affordable housing projects in Enugu Nigeria, and concluded that lapses in the implementation of Nigeria’s affordable housing policy have created a regressive phenomenon where many affordable housing projects have turned slums. This work contributes to the SDGs and discourse on housing delivery and informal settlement in developing countries, by recommending planning and participatory approaches to housing policy implementation that is sustainable and devoid of creating fertile grounds for slums.

The PhD defense was chaired by Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Bing Zhu. The candidate gave a 20-minute presentation on his research findings, which was followed by a discussion session Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eugene Chigbu and Prof. Dr. Walter Timo de Vries.

The PhD defence was attended by:

MSc. Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze (Candidate)

Prof. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Bing Zhu, CEE - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Prof.f.Immobilienentwicklung (Chairman)

Prof. Dr. Walter Timo de Vries, TUM Chair of Land Management (Supervisor)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eugene Chigbu, Namibia University of Science and Technology (External Examiner)

Dr. Arch. Pamela Duran Diaz, TUM Chair of Land Management (formerly PhD Programme Coordinator)

Dr. Dipl.-Geogr. Edivando Vitor do Couto, TUM Chair of Land Management (Post-Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Anthony Agboeze, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Pierre Damien Ntihinyurwa, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Vineet Chaturvedi, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Zulqadri Ansar, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

Ms. Christine Schwarz, TUM Chair of Land Management (Secretary)

MSc. Tobias Bendzko, TUM Chair of Land Management (Academic Advisor)

MSc. Prince Donkor Ameyaw, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Walter Dachaga, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. Bouchra Lamhamedi, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

MSc. David Adade, TUM Chair of Land Management (Doctoral Researcher)

Other invited guests of the candidate

The TUM Chair of Land Management, its staff and students congratulate Dr.-Ing Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze on this new achievement and we wish him success in all his professional and personal endeavors.

Dr.-Ing. Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze is currently working on several private housing consultancy projects. The Chair looks forward to future collaborations with Dr.-Ing. Anthony Ikechukwu Agboeze to engage his expertise in advancing Land Management science and practice.